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Everything posted by DavidCharge

  1. I understand what you are saying and I have removed the program from one of the two computers, thank you for pointing this out to me
  2. Hi RandyL Sorry I don't have 2007- I do have the prog running on both computers one via normal install and the other via the HD but I connot understand why only one will install from the CD. I do not have a Laptop. Regards
  3. Thanks, both computers are desktop - What I ment to say was that it will install if I copy the contents of the CD to the hard disk on the machine with the error message. What is confusing me is that I only get the error on one computer - it seems that it is trying to write the log file to the CD which ofcourse it cann't do.
  4. Yes both machines have SP3 and yes i have used the same CD It will install if I copy the contents of the cd and reun in from there.
  5. I have two computers both running under Windows XP pro. When I try to install AutoRoute 2004 on the first computer I get a Windows Installer message saying “Error opening installation log file” But when I install the same program on the second computer the install goes without a hitch. Any ideas? Dave.
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