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About goldenbalz

  • Birthday 04/12/1987

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

goldenbalz's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. ive been trying to unstall internet explorer for the last hour and half,i dosent appear when i go to uninstall in and it dosent appear in updates either,firefox wont let me down load plugins either,i think i should reboot the laptop,And I forgot to say thankyou for your help,u've have been ever so kind thanks a bunch
  2. firefox works perfectly
  3. im using windows explorer 8,
  4. thanks,i purchased it, it norton 360, the thing is that my pc is oki been looking online for help, and i believe i have an script error or something,
  5. hi there, can somebody help!!!:confused: my laptop was working perfectly, i installed norton on my pc and laptop, now i cannot load hotmail webpage, play any videos eg: youtube and i cannot install any plugins. every time i load a page i get an error with a yellow caution triangle in the bottom left saying 'page loaded but with errors' its stressing me out can anybody help PLEASE!!!!
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