Hi There
I hope someone can help me.
I am trying to do a destructive recovery on my Compaq PC
I have tried all the ways stated on the compaq website on how to do this but for some reason none of them work
Any help on this would be great
Hi Maynard,
Thanks for getting back to me,
Im not sure whats going on here but i changed my screen resolution settings & it seems to be ok now?
I didnt install any new software so im a bit confused but it seems ok now
Something weird is on my desktop, all of sudden & little square has appeared with a mini version of the desktop inside that, any ideas on how to get rid of it
PS - it disappears when i go into another program like explorer
I have a document that i need to delete but for some reason it wont & the message im getting is "Cannot delete book scans, file name you specified is not valid or is too long. Specify a different file name" any ideas
Can amyone help me please
The problem has seemed to occur whilst i was on Holiday for 2 weeks & i havent added anything recently either
Any help would be appreciated
cheers :confused:
Hi there,
something strange is going on with my internet
for some reason it wont let me access some sites at all & then on some it wont let me access a page in the site.
Any ideas please