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About Helen

  • Birthday 09/18/1976

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks again for your help. No I don't have insurance or even accidental damage with the contents :( Samsung have advised the keyboard would probably need replacing but I didn't mention that wine was spilt on it. I know if I send it back to them, once opened the spillage will be obvious so the warranty would be void :( I can only find 1 store online that sell the correct keyboard for £55. I'm worried if I take it to a repair shop they will charge me such an amount that it wouldn't be worth doing. Hence why the cleaning or replacing option sounds the best atm. I will try and find instructions online and see if it's easy enough, if not I won't bother as I may cause more damage :(
  2. Thanks for your help :) It's a samsung r510. It's definitely worth replacing the keyboard then and hoping it will sort the problem. Only thing is I have tried to remove a keyboard before on an old acer and couldn't even get it out lol.
  3. Not sure if anyone can help apart from advising to go to a repair shop but here goes! My daughter knocked my wine over our brand new laptop the other day. I turned it upside down and dryed it with towles and it worked fine for an hour or so. Now most of the keys don't work but they ALL do in the password box when I log on. An external keyboard works fine. I have tried the recovery disc as there wasn't anything I needed to save on the laptop but it changed nothing. I don't really have the funds to take it to a repair shop and wouldn't know where to take it if I did. Any suggestions? Would removing the keyboard and cleaning it help and if so how do I do it? Thanks in advance, Helen:)
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