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About pook_rb

  • Birthday 02/27/1981

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

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  1. DVD/CD Rom Still Ongoing Morning, I went to the microsoft help that you suggested and it detected the issues I am having, however it was unable to fix it. I checked on the microsoft website for other help, but there was no offer for any other ways to solve the issues I am having that I have not already tried. I think I will have to bite the bullett and tell my friend that a new DVD/CD Rom drive will need to be installed. If there are any other last minute suggestions anyone has, let me know. But I think it has gone to the Electronics Department in the sky! Thanks for the help - this will be a site I regularly visit when I have any issues in the future! Ta, Ruth
  2. Hi All, I have had the same issues with a friends cmputer. She purchased an Acer Aspire and has had to send it back twice already, but not for DVD/CD Rom Issues. The Drive light is active, and you can hear it spin once or twice, but nothing occurs after that. I have tried all the possible solutions on the thread, and have uninstalled the Drivers for the ATA Channel 0 (IDE Contollers related to the DVD/CD Rom) and let windows install them automatically. After it tried to install the ATA Driver was successful, but the GSA-T20N Installation Failed, with error code 19 displayed in the Device Manager. There had been no previous issues with the drive, and when it was returned from the shop last time it had been re-formatted and software installed with no issues. She was able to use the drive a few times before this issue occurred. No other installations had been made sine last using the drive, and then it's failure. There is nothing else can I think of, I have tried using a Registry Fix program, and have had a look in regedit, but honestly don't know where to begin. Did anyone discover any other solutions for this issue, or have any other suggestions? Thanks, Ruth
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