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  1. Hi all, I hope somebody may be able to help me resolve my problem. When I try to log in to certain websites (coral.co.uk for example). I enter my username and password and hit enter and it gives me a 'Page cannot be displayed'. This seems to also affect my logging in to my e-mail account on hotmail and various other things which require a username and password. I am really not too clued up when it comes to things like this so I am a little stuck for ideas as to what to do. I use Windows XP Home Edition on a Sony Vaio Laptop. I use a modem with an ethernet connection at 2mb. I have only had this internat connection for 8 weeks. What I do know is that is was working up until 4-5 weeks ago so I guess it may be something I enabled or disabled perhaps? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks. goldenrooster96.
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