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About paulc

  • Birthday 01/06/1956

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  1. Hi Mokles as you have the BUP IFO VOB files on your computer which are the files that are on a DVD all you need to do is burn them to disc. download imgburn form here http://www.filehippo.com/download_imgburn/ then have a look at this page http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/how_to_copy_dvd_with_dvd_shrink_page_5.cfm you only need to do the first three steps then click burn it will say you have not named the film but just close that if you do not need it and let it burn to disk hope it helps Paul
  2. Happy new year to all http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/thisone_zps63d76497.gif
  3. well done nev nice one
  4. Thanks again Airborne what i did was the easy bit. All the credit is to the people that make the Animations Paul
  5. This my help i opened the Horse GIF file in a Animation program http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/animationprogram.jpg The horse animation only had 7 frames in it and the van animation only had 6 frames so i only used 6 from the horse animation i saved each frame as a photo i then used photoshop to remove the back ground from the horse photo's and put in a shadow sample of one frame http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/steps.jpg when all 6 frames done i took them back into the animation program and saved them as a GIF hope this helped
  6. Thank you very much Airborne What I did was open your gif file in a Animation program Then saved each frames as photo Then removed all the background from each photo in photoshop. And put in the shadow Then open the van gif and saved each frame Then put the horse into each frame in order and saved them Then put each photo into the Animation program again All done
  7. Who would win the race i cannot take any credit for the gif's files. i just merged them http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/car-horse-race.gif
  8. what program did you use. do you still have any of the backup files on your laptop. if so see if they will play 1 just to see if it is the Media player or not download vlc player from here http://download.cnet.com/VLC-Media-Player/3000-13632_4-10267151.html?tag=mncol;2 and see if that can play them it plays most file types. 2 download k-lite codec pack. it may be just a codec that you need to play them http://download.cnet.com/K-Lite-Mega-Codec-Pack/3000-13632_4-10794603.html?tag=mncol;1
  9. I had this problem when I first got win 7 I could not find something I had downloaded from my dvd camcorder. I found them in the end in a folder called virtualstore You have to show hidden files and folder on you system. To open the hidden files and folders. Open a folder on your computer in the top left corner of the window click organize on the drop down menu click folder and search options. Click view Click on the show hidden files.folders Now if you go to the virtualstore folder Local disk/ user /name (your name)/appdata/local/virtaulstore There is also a folder call roaming in the appdata folder have a look in there aswell they could be in there Hope this helps
  10. If you download dban (Dariks boot and nuke) and burn it to cd. put cd into old computer and reboot then run from cd. Do not run on your new system. use DBAN only if you want to completely eradicate any trace of data on a hard drive. This is the ultimate in data shredding--there's no recovery once you've used it http://download.cnet.com/Darik-s-Boot-and-Nuke-for-CD-and-DVD/3000-2094_4-10151762.html
  11. Thanks marshall yes it is all done in after effects
  12. Thanks Starbuck Glad you like it.
  13. it is a paid for program part of photoshop cs4 i did have a free program years ago but i cannot remember the name of it
  14. Did this in Adobe after effects http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/Untitled-2.gif
  15. I wish you well Bob This is something i did in photoshop over the last few days for a competition at work as you can tell i do work of that company http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/competitioncopy12.jpg
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