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About The_monk

  • Birthday 08/06/1971

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. In a word NO Once its been deleted its gone, no going back i'm afraid. However there is no reason it cant be sorted, even if it is xp. But unless you have knowledge of computers/drivers and the installation of these things it might be difficult for you. My first advise would be ( and i'm assuming you can get online). Go to windows update Microsoft Update and follow the links, if after that your still having problems. come back and post some more, try to give as much info as possible. but do one problem at a time. good luck
  2. Yes my friend. Click start then go to all programs. at the top of the program list it will say windows update follow the on screen promts. if you still cant do it come back on and someone will help further i'm sure.
  3. Thanks. All questions answered perfectly.
  4. Easy to solve this one. You need a windows xp disk, Or the original recovery disk's Which came with time pc's
  5. Hi all, first post so please be gentle. I'm about to set up a home network, i'm fairly computer literate, however i have some questions. Basiclly i will be using a wired connection. It will run two pc's and two playstation 3's, but not always at the same time. The intention is to run two cat 5 cables from the router into another room. and the same from the router to pc1/ps3 1. The use of both pc's and ps3's will be online/network gaming. Questions. Should i use crossover or direct link cat 5's Are there routers available to let you use unlimited bandwidth instead of just 100mbs is this the best option for doing this. should i be looking at a home server option ? ( expensive i know) Any help much appreciated.
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