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About woodland81

  • Birthday 09/03/1981

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. havent tried that yet. i did try the launch repair but that just caused a reboot and back to the original page
  2. Heres some pics of the error pages http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5361/dsc00517e.jpg http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3777/dsc00518c.jpg
  3. hi, yeah thats what i did, removed some of the memory. dont get the irq message anymore but still all the other stuff and constant rebooting
  4. I need serious help with my PC, it took me over half an hour to get it working today. not even sure where best to ask for advice When I switch it on im taken to a page where it says a whole loada information Serial ATA Port-00- HD Port-01- CD further down it leave me with the message floppy disk seek failure- my pc doesn't have a floppy disk F1 continue or f2 setup. I tried both options many times, F1 would take me to page where i select launch startup repair or startup normally. both options , would take me to a page where id either get the blue screen of death or the page would completely freeze and have to reset the PC myself. blue page messages one said RQL not less or equal. check hardware. another one mentioned memory management, after it had been on the page where the OS is loading because there is the progress bar. Been having this problem for few weeks but today was the worst. normally i can select F1, startup normally and proceeds to load the pc up. Although later in the day its normally frozen or rebooted itself Can anyone help, i dont know if its my hard drive, or if its a memory issue, month or so ago I upgraded memory. however i reverted back to lower memory and still get the same issues. Is a new hard drive required or is the whole system got a problem Promised myself Id look into this sooner before it become so bad that the pc wouldnt work, just like this morning. I only use it for mostly internet, downloading and movies, so i dont think im running too much stuff that it cant cope with my demand Hope you can help.... before pc dies again and i cant read any responses :- ( Lee PC currently Dell Dimension - DM061 Intel 2 6300 - 1.86ghz Memory - 4.5gb Vista Home Premium - service pack 2 HD - 288gb, 43gb free
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