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About TJolly

  • Birthday 01/10/1951

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Who did you buy the laptop from? For example if it was Dell all you need to do is contact customer support.
  2. The cause of overheating and shut down is the build up of dust within the machine itself. If this is a desktop then disconnect from the mains supply. Open the side panel of the unit, and blow away any dust, clean the fans, make sure all vents are clear, if the fans are not working then that is the problem, replace the fan.
  3. Hi, Sounds like you haven't seated the memory modules firmly. Disconnect your machine from the mains supply, remove the modules and install again. Hope this helps.
  4. Hi, Trippy, Just call me George. lol. But I was at one stage a Constable.
  5. Nice to see you Ken. My problem here is the same as usual on boards I do not normally use. The message board email system is not working correctly. I do not receive any email notifications for responses to topics or PM.
  6. What happens when you tap F8 now?
  7. Reboot your machine and continually tap the F8 key to enter safe mode. Use the arrow keys to choose Safe mode with a Command prompt and press enter. At the command prompt, type %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe, and then press enter. Follow the instructions to restore your computer to a date when everything was ok.
  8. Hi, This is either a overheating or bad RAM (memory) problem. Once you receive the error, reboot and see if it will reboot correctly. If not a memory stick has gone bad.
  9. Hi, Download and install CCleaner from here: CCleaner - Home The software is free to use. Once installed do not make any changes to the default settings. Click 'run cleaner'. Let us know how you get on.
  10. Is your girlfriend using Firefox?
  11. Hi, Delete Windows Defender and you should be good to go.
  12. No you don't have to do that if you have an original copy of Win XP. If you do have a copy then I will guide you through the repair sequence. Recovery discs from the manufacturer of your pc will not work. They will only revert your machine back to factory settings and you will lose everything presently installed.
  13. Hello, I am new here and would like to introduce myself. I have been providing assistance on many message boards such as this for the past 15yrs. I am also a Microsoft MVP. So I say say, hello to this community. Tj
  14. Hi, It all depends on the problem you are having. Why do you need to contact MS?
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