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About EasyObserver

  • Birthday 07/26/1962

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

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  1. I would do that, but the seal is broken...already tried to see if it would work as an internal, so I would imagine I've voided the warranty.
  2. Hi..I have a Radeon 9250 128M DDR V/D/VO PCI card that I can't find the software/driver install disc for. ATI/AMD no longer supports it on their site. Is there anywhere out there where I can pick up the drivers, etc? I've about googled myself to death trying to find them. I did download Catalyst 9.something, and it did help...but had to uninstall it because I couldn't find any controls to adjust the screen resolution, etc. I know it's an older card..but it's better than what's in this computer right now.
  3. There's no data that I need to get off, I was formatting it. Just ticked me off cause the HDD is not even a year old. What's the sandwich bag and freezer trick?
  4. Still doesn't show in Disk Management. I do hear it spin up when I connect the USB to the computer, or turn the HDD off and on while connected...but it just whirls a few times..clicks..and stops. Tried front and rear USB slots...same results, even replaced the USB cable just to be sure. Guess it's toast.
  5. Not showing in Disk Management Hi...I just checked the Disk Management and it doesn't show. It shows my internal, other external and 2 dvd drives...but none other. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  6. It was larger files..avi files. But it doesn't matter at this point, I have a new problem, I was formatting this HDD and the cat decided to step on the switch for the power bar, now the computer doesn't read that it's even there. Already started a thread concerning this problem.
  7. I was formatting an external Hitachi TB sata HDD when the power was shut off (thanks to spastic cat jumping on power bar switch), when I turned the power back on and rebooted, my computer will not recognize the drive is even there. Is there a way to salvage this HDD or is it now a paper weight?
  8. Hi...my second post since becoming a member an hour ago. I have been having a problem with one of my External HD's and just remembered that on that particular HD, occasionally I will go into a directory and see a file named LEX_2009761 (numbers change but always LEX_). When I try to open, copy, delete or anything on it, it disappears, at which point I can go to another directory on the external and find it sitting in there with a different number, but same thing, if I try to delete or copy (basically, 1 second after I right-click on it) it disappears..only to reappear in yet another directory. Does anyone know if this is some kind of virus..or a legit file? At first I thought it might have something to do with my Lexmark printer..but it doesn't seem right to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. HI...first time poster so I'll try not to be too confusing. I have an external TB HD and recently been having problems copying to a particular directory. I can copy FROM this directory with not too much of a problem. What happens is, when I try to copy to it from my CPU or CD/DVD drives, it starts out great for about 6 seconds...then a 30 second transfer suddenly turns into a 30 minute transfer. Also...last night I copied (painfully slowly) 4 files to this directory, let Avast run a virus check overnight and it said it couldn't read those 4 particular files because it couldn't read the source file, but didn't report any viruses. Did a Chkdsk today (Alllllll day), and it didn't report any bad sectors or anything, but when I looked at the report there were numerous "orphaned files", "Insufficient disk space to recover lost data" (there's 800gig still free??), "read failures"...etc...etc. Both drives, my C: and External (E:) are NTFS format. I can copy to and from all other directories on the External without a problem. Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
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