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About bbuubbbblleess

  • Birthday 06/28/1992

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista

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  1. as a pure suggestion you could format the HD using a ubuntu or somthing to see if that works. Only thing will be you wont be able to get it back to windows without either buying a new copy of windows, or doing somthing I dont think I'm aloud to say about, so I wont. Just remember that if you want to use Ubuntu, or whatever you decide to download, make sure you have somthing to burn it to a disc with (I use ISO CD) Just type somthing like 'Burn ISO's to CD' into google or somthing, and I'm sure a list will pop up. Hope this helps (sorry, I know you said you dont have a boot CD or anything, but its a suggestion for the time being)
  2. Ahh, that was exactly what i meant (about not melting the solder) I'll have to do a little research into the cost of the solder sucker and desoldering braid first Thank you for the help!
  3. What has happened is that I have a PSU. And it decided the other day that it will kill itself off. I've found what looks like to have been what has gone, and borrowed a soldering iron of a mate. The only thing was that whatever it is soldered on by, was too strong to be melted (if you get what I mean) I'm just curious as to what it is that I need to be able to get the parts off with (I think there called Capaciters) And I know that everybody always says 'Just buy a new one' but I have a few reasons why thats not a very suitable option for me.... They cost to much for starters (about 200 pound) I dont have any money. The computer is old anyway, so its worth a try Anybody able to help?
  4. I found one that works (finaly) And there is no difference. Its not even picked up a new Ctrl or anything, absolutly nothing. Sorry for the double post again, it wont let me edit the last one after 5 minutes have gone (I think that rule is a bit silly, since I know that I'm not suppose to double post) Is there a way to get around the 5 minute rule, without talking to an Admin? (or being an admin, and assuming that its not against the rules to talk about it)
  5. I've entered the bios, it is a white screen, with a blue bar on the top and bottom, and the writing is blue. I have entered Boot Controller Order, and there are 2 options. They are... Ctlr:1 PCI Slot 3, Integrated Ultra ATA-100 Dual Channel IDE Ctlr Ctlr:2 PCI Embedded Compaq Integtated PCI IDE Controler. I've learnt that, since the Embedded one is on the motherboard, this ISNT the hard disk, so I'm assuming that PCI Slot 3.... IS the hard drive, is that right? The site I have used to find the beep codes I found through google. I typed in COMPAQ BEEP CODES. It was the first link on the screen, if its any help the middle of the address was bioscentral. (sorry if saying that is against the rules, I know I'm not aloud to post links to the site though) After replacing the Hard Drive with another one, I found that It was a lot louder. It stopped my screen working And I have no idea what else its done. But, when I start it up, it just sounds like this whinning noise isnt going to stop getting higher in pitch, it friented me the first time and sounded like it was just going to go bang. And by the screen not working, theres no power to it? I dont get how that works though, it worked a moment ago... Now I have to find another (working) monitor...
  6. Compaq Proliant ML330 Well, after finally getting it to start, I've found another problem, this time its the Hard drive. After starting the computer, it goes through all of the checks that it needs to do, after that, it beeps twice (meaning general fault) and then the error saying... Non-System Disk or Disk Error Replace and strike any key when ready. I know this is somthing to do with the hard drive, and NOT the floppy disk. I know this because I have unlplugged both, and by unplugging the hard drive, there are no different errors, whereas when I unplug the Floppy Disk, another error saying somthing about the floppy disk pops up. I'm planning to switch the hard drive with one from another computer I have, I'll let you know how I get on Thanks for any help
  7. sorry for double posting, it wouldnt let me edit it. If you are an Admin or can change it, could you change my post to include the bit below please? Sorry for the double post After some googling I found out what you mean but CMOS Battery. I had a look on the video card and motherboard, and they both have one, is that right? I have switched the one on the motherboard with another one, but that same is happening (no input signal, 1 shortl beep, 1 long beep, 1 short beep) Any other ideas? I have also changed the one on the video card (assuming I am looking AT the video card, and not somthing else). But that still made no differece Sorry for my poor computer skills, I'm completly new too all of this. Sorry, it is 1 short, 2 long
  8. Have you tried changing the monitor? What was the last thing you did when the PC was working? Have you reset the BIOS by pulling the CMOS battery for about 30 seconds? Answer the above and we can go from there I have changed the monitor, it says the same message. Since I only recieved this computer the other day, I dont know what was done to it last (sorry) I dont have a clue what you mean by CMOS Battery and stuff.... could you guide me on what you mean, and how to do it please?
  9. The computer I am trying to get to work is a Compaq Proliant ML330. When I push the on button, I get 1 short beep, 1 long beep and another short beep. I tired looking on the net about it, but couldnt find anything I've switched the video card with another video card but it made no difference. The screen had no input signal before, and after, switching the cards around. Sorry if this isn't in the right place, I wasnt sure where to put it. Also, to 'read' the beeps right, how do i do it? Should I be listening to the 2 beeps AFTER the first beep, or should I be listening too ALL of the beeps?
  10. Just wanted to say my name is bubbles (or bub, you can chose) and I look forward to asking you all lots of questions! (I dont know much about computers, yet, but im planning to learn)
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