I've entered the bios, it is a white screen, with a blue bar on the top and bottom, and the writing is blue.
I have entered Boot Controller Order, and there are 2 options.
They are...
Ctlr:1 PCI Slot 3, Integrated Ultra ATA-100 Dual Channel IDE Ctlr
Ctlr:2 PCI Embedded Compaq Integtated PCI IDE Controler.
I've learnt that, since the Embedded one is on the motherboard, this ISNT the hard disk, so I'm assuming that PCI Slot 3.... IS the hard drive, is that right?
The site I have used to find the beep codes I found through google.
It was the first link on the screen, if its any help the middle of the address was bioscentral. (sorry if saying that is against the rules, I know I'm not aloud to post links to the site though)
After replacing the Hard Drive with another one, I found that
It was a lot louder.
It stopped my screen working
And I have no idea what else its done.
But, when I start it up, it just sounds like this whinning noise isnt going to stop getting higher in pitch, it friented me the first time and sounded like it was just going to go bang.
And by the screen not working, theres no power to it?
I dont get how that works though, it worked a moment ago...
Now I have to find another (working) monitor...