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About daranth

  • Birthday 08/01/1985

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes! thats it! sample rate. My audio system is intergrated on the motherboard. the mb is an Asus P5QL-E with Realtek ALC1200 8-Channel High-Definition Audio. Also it wasnt the graphic equalizer because the settings havnt changed when i clicked restore default - unless they restore the defaults of something else aswel.
  2. hey nev, i will try and answer your questions in order. i dont know if i mean the graphic equalizer but could you tell me how to get to it on my pc, cause that sounds familiar? the reason why i know its the frequency is because ive been searching and other people have had the problem that they set the frequency too high and have to lower it to 16 mhz or something like that. the sound works on everything else but now you mention it when i turn the speeker volume up to max it sounds a bit dodgy - crackly, fuzzy. i have had a look at the game and the volume on that is on to max, but if the graphic equalizer doesnt work then ill try that. many thanks Daran
  3. hey guys, about a week ago i was messing about with my sound frequencys, and then went to play a game and the sound wouldnt work . .! ive tried everything, updated drivers, turned the sound up to full, make sure everything is plugged in, and then used the front pannel jacks but nothing! i know the speekers work and the sound on everything else on my pc works, but just this one game doesnt work. i would like to know how to change back the sound frequency. please help!! many thanks, daran.
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