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About Pigeon

  • Birthday 12/13/1990

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

Pigeon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Got it today, it's an agp graphics card like you said, seems like the one i linked will fit, reckon this will make it a bit better?
  2. Bearing in mind, this computer has been upgraded to have a 5.3 ghz processor (well, two 2.3ghz processors) and has just over 2 GB RAM, is there a way to get it running the latest games?:cool:
  3. Hmmm, where would be the best place to get a new MOBO that is compatible with this PC?
  4. AGP Am I looking for something like this? Sapphire HD 4650 1GB DDR2 VGA DVI HDMI Out AGP graphics Card - Ebuyer
  5. AGP Ok, thanks for that information, that is the computer, any ideas where is the best place for me to get an equivalent AGP graphics card?
  6. Hi, i've just bought a basic XW6000 PC but the graphics card is of minimal quality, i'm looking to buy a GeForce 9600 GT however i am unsure if this card would work in this PC set-up :confused: If anyone could tell me it would be much appreciated :D
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