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DJ Small

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About DJ Small

  • Birthday 06/12/1973

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    IT Incident Management
  • Real Name

Tech Info

  • Experience
  • System: windows_xp_home

DJ Small's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Plastic Nev, the PC belongs to my disabled friend, he asked me to have a look when it stopped powering on, i had a look at it and disconnected the 24pin on the mother board and replaced it, the green power light and the HDD light would light up for a few seconds before going out, the fan didn't seem to be working on the PSU so i bought a replacement and fitted it, the motherboard has a soild red light on it, not sure about if it has a speaker fitting or not but there is a black and red cable with speaker on the connector and i have connected it to the correct place on the motherboard but n have heard no beeps in any form, as for the PSU blowing up before i got to look at it my friend could comfirm this, if i knew what the flashing green light called LED_1 was for then i might have a clue as to were the problem lies But thanks very much for your help and advice so far
  2. Hi, I've tried going on line to find out more about this motherboard and see if i can even get a manual but was unable to do so. The problem i have is that the monitor isn't displaying anything but the pc seems to boot up ok part from having a green light flashing on the motherboard titled LED_1, the video card seems ok as i plugged it in to another pc and it displayed it no problem. Can anyone tell me what a green flashing LED_1 light on this mother means and is this related to the monitor not displaying anything? also any advise on how to resolve this problem and getting the monitor to display it can would great. I have replaced the PSU recently but was of a identical type. Thanks in advance DJ
  3. First time user of any forums to be gentle with me, need to know how to fix my disabled friends pc, have tried going on line and typing in what i'm looking for but its a mine field out there. if someone can help me through posting what i need i would be very grateful Thanks in advance DJ.
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