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About zwolfy

  • Birthday 11/24/1992

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. Hey guys, sorry for the late reply, my mom had to take the laptop for a while. Anyway, I got the cable and tried it only to run into another problem. I can't figure out how to run my hardrive in slave mode. My hard drive doesn't have a jumper pin. Do I have to buy one seperate for this model? Is this hard drive supposed to come with a jumper pin? I've gone through my computers manual and can't find anything. My hard drive model is seagate barracuda 7200.11
  2. Hey guys, sorry for the late reply (School started). This is an update, I ordered the wire, but it is not here yet. I succeeded in taking apart my touchsmart with the instructions on the website, but I'm still waiting for the USB to IDE and SATA to be delivered. (Tootech, Plastic Nev)- Thankyou again for helping, I'll post when the wire arrives so you can help me further. sun7142-I haven't got the chance to try it yet, when I do, I'll update you on it. The wire should be here soon. UPS gets slower everyday
  3. Did you try unplugging all USB and then trying to turn it on? If that doesnt work, your in the same boat as me. I'm going to attempt to take my hard drive out and connect it to my laptop. Are you worried about your files or do you just want your computer working again? If you want your files, you can do the same as me, or if you just want your computer working again, you can send it to the company and have them put in a new hard drive. I know, it's very hard, I'm frustrated too.
  4. Let me see if I can explain in a better way, I have 5 USB slots on my computer. 4 of them are regular USB slots, the fifth one is at the back of the computer made especially for keyboard and mouse. The 5th one for keyboard and mouse is working while the other four are not. The reason I know the keyboard is working is because I will press F10 at startup and "Entering Setup" appears but it never goes past the startup screen. It just freezes. I hope that made sense. I will attempt to take the hard drive out (I'm scared) from the link you gave me. Should I use those anti static gloves? Where can I get a pair? and once I take the hard drive out, is there any special wire I need to connect it to my other computer?
  5. Hey guys, thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, the USB slots in my computer don't seem to work. I plugged in my iphone charger and nothing happened so I had to assume that it didn't work for any USB device (except Keyboard and mouse). Both keyboard and mouse batteries are working and full. My computer is under warrenty but I'm not planning on changinging it out. Is there any hope for saving my files? Maybe I can take the hard drive out and connect it to another computer and check for errors. Is that possible? Do you guys think I should open it up? I am willing to if need be Both my keyboard and mouse work from a USB slot at the back of my computer, do you think it will work if I try the USB to PS2 cable in there? The mouse will become inactive, but I doubt I'll need it in BIOS. Will just any keyboard work with my computer? ~Zwolfy
  6. Hello I have a HP Touchsmart iq500 series. When I push the power button, it turns on and instantly goes to the HP welcome screen. After then...Nothing. I can't even get into the bios. All USB devices are unplugged except mouse and keyboard. No matter how many times I press F8 or F11 and all those other commands, it doesn't load. It completely freezes, but the fans work when I hit the power button. Restoring is not an option because all my valuable files are on there. I have tried resetting the cmos battery too. Nothing seems to be working. Is there any possible way to fix this. I don't want to send it in cause they might change hard drives and thus eliminate my files. Plus I heard they are no help anyway. Please help me fix it, I know you guys can help
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