I wonder if anybody can help me ??????
I have an 60gb iPod and at the current moment I have approx 22gb of music/videos on it ,The problem is my PC only has 25gb on the C drive and I have had to delete my music library off it as PC would crash etc .And I keep getting warnings that only so much MB 'S left .I am not worried about my libaray as when my last hardrive packed up I used iJack to reinstall onto new hardive .I have tried to install iTunes and iJack to my D drive ,But every time I do so .And after install when I connect my iPod my music goes back to C drive. .
On my D drive drive I have 158gb of unsed space ,I want to move some of the spare space from D drive to my C drive
I have looked at windows disk management and went into the BIOS and started to try to move using .....
DISKPART.....LIST VOLUME.....SELECT VOLUME ????? ( Then prob;s )
The notes from Windows says "select volume n" ?????? then on prompt "extend ( size = n ) ??????
This is where I get lost ??????
As you my well have noticed I have a little bit of knowledge and as allways that is dangerous
I do hope that someone can help and that I have explained my problem well enough