I'm trying to get my thompson wireless router to work .....which would normally be easy enough but the house I am living in has Virgin broadband Via Coax Cable which goes into a motorola modem then out from that via Ethernet into the PC.
I am trying to get it wireless and need to somehow get it to go through my wireless router which is the issue as it only has 1 DSL (BT line) input and also 4 ether net inputs.... no coax cable input
I have no idea if it is possible im hoping someone here isnt a dumbass like me and can let me know the best way to do it i have tried to take the ethernet out from the cable modem into one of the ethernet ports on the router but it doesnt work - im guessing that thats because its a router not a switch and now im all out of ideas
really appreciate any help that you might be able to give