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About LukeDee

  • Birthday 08/04/1988

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I tried to follow all steps but step 4 wouldn't work for me. It doesn't download the needed add on to you and when i try to download it it refreshes so there's not much more i know to do. The problem with my system turning it's self off when I'm playing games has come back. So i know it's not a power problem. I don't know much about viruses at all, is there a virus that can do this? is there it some thing to do with my system?
  2. Thanks I'll follow these steps now. I found the reason why my computer was crashing when in games. Apparntly i was using an old cable from my very first computer (1998) and it didn't let my computer get enough power from my socket. I'll be fowling your guide now and all should be ok. Thanks again for your help as it's helped me allot.
  3. I could all ways use more advise on malware, my computers not 100% it's still slow on the internet.
  4. The problem seems to have fixed it's self. After Norton downloaded a new update it found a virus and got rid of it. After restarting it seems to be working perfectly.
  5. Forgot to add computer info:- Win vista, home premium Processor: core quad Q8200, 2.33GHz, 2336 Mhz RAM: 4.00 GB
  6. Just registered to this site and not sure if this is where i should ask, if it isn't please could an administer move to where it should be. For about a week now my computer has been slowly getting worse. It started last weekend when i was in the middle of a game after about 20-30 mins of game play my system just turns it's self off, now shut down at all just a complete off. But not for 2 days the Internet browser has been slow and freezing allot. I have run an anitvirus (Norton) every day in hope of finding some thing but it hasn't Today i ran a anti spyware (stopzilla payed) found a few little things not much. But still it's the same. I have tried now three times to restore to a point more than a week ago but every time it fails to do this. At this point i have no clue what else i can do.
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