Just registered to this site and not sure if this is where i should ask, if it isn't please could an administer move to where it should be.
For about a week now my computer has been slowly getting worse. It started last weekend when i was in the middle of a game after about 20-30 mins of game play my system just turns it's self off, now shut down at all just a complete off.
But not for 2 days the Internet browser has been slow and freezing allot.
I have run an anitvirus (Norton) every day in hope of finding some thing but it hasn't Today i ran a anti spyware (stopzilla payed) found a few little things not much. But still it's the same. I have tried now three times to restore to a point more than a week ago but every time it fails to do this.
At this point i have no clue what else i can do.