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Everything posted by daisiesdad

  1. just put power tester on psu.......works fine....fan firing up as expected.....................re-plug back into board with just hdd pluged in....DEAD.....?
  2. no.1.......no................................no.2.........no.............still totally DEAD.........nice idea ...see where your coming from...........next...regards TIM.
  3. quick speks are AMDphenom quad core ,asrockmobo ,n68 95w,dvdrw ,500gig sata hdd,gforce8500gt 512mb ddr2fatality pro,,card reader,wifi card 3x 80mm fans on splitter.................its a 300w EPOWER psu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that1ll get u started.................off to work now.............speak later...cheers ...TIM.
  4. tried different leads...there ok......psu only been on for a 6-7hrs........can they go that quick......
  5. good evening everybody.......?i have built a new pc.....was working ok,untill i decide to add a couple of fans,wireless card,and a graphics card....then when i plug it back in......nothing...dead....no bleep,no light....nothing...zilch,,nada...silence......................tumbleweeds blowing gently across my study floor.....................................woooooooo......get the picture...can anybody come up with an idea........regards.........T
  6. hi poeple,new bloke on the block from wiltshire,south england.never used one of these sites before......................i`ll give anything a try once!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheers TIM.http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/images/icons/icon4.gif
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