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About bailbonds

  • Birthday 01/18/1973

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi, I have 2 user accounts and could not log on to either of them. I was getting a message stating "Application failed to initialize" I was also getting an error message Oxc0000142. I tried starting in safe mode but it was going straight to a blue screen which states "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. There is some technical info with some error codes Ox00000024, Ox00190203, Ox82B85A50, Oxc0000102, Ox00000000. I also tried starting with last known good configuration but that also didn't work. Occasionally it is not even trying to boot but just making funny noises. Dell Dimension 5150 4 years old Windows XP Any ideas or am I a lost cause? Thanks in anticipation of your help. Roscoe
  2. Hi all, Whilst browsing the internet this morning, I was scrolling up and down the pages and the page size started to change. If I scrolled down then it would get smaller but if I scrolled up then larger. I close down the pages which appears to have solved the problem for all but one page I regulalry use and this is fixed in extremely small text. I have tried changing the screen resolution but this hasn't solved the issue. For info, I use Firefox on Windows XP Home and I have a Dell 5150 desktop. Thanks in advance. Bailbonds
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