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  1. Hello My X just bought a lap top. She knows very little about PCs. The shop told her that she bought a good lap top. The lap top has 1024 MB Ram an 80 GB HD and the processor is a Intel Celeron ® M CPU 430 @ 1.73 Ghz. The problem, and we think that it is a big problem, is that it has Vista installed. I have the same type of lap-top, but with a slower processor, and with XP installed. My computer is very fast. The computer of my X, with Vista, is extremely slow. It is hopeless to work with. We would like to "downgrade" to XP, but we think it is very unfair to go to a shop and buy an OEM XP. After all, when we buy a computer we want to have a pc we can use. We think that the shop should have informed us that they had installed an OS that severly slows down all working processes. My brother has an XP. I have installed this now on the machine, and the machine, as my own, is now very fast. However, I have to register this Xp version on then net within 30 days, it says. I guess it is illegal to have installed this XP on the machine in the first place ? What happens if I register this XP on the net ? Would I be busted for illegal actions? Said again, I think it is very unfair to pay for an XP "downgrade" when the shop has installed a, as we see it, useless OS (Vista) on this machine.
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