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Everything posted by shawnh

  1. I'm wondering if someone would please help with a complete virus and spyware check of my laptop? I have had help on this forum before for that from a couple of helpful people (Starbuck, etc.) for two of my other computers. They guided me through using a series of anti-spyware and anti-virus cleanup tools... it was great. Thanks! Shawn
  2. Lon0, I had mentioned at around the start of this thread that I saw this fix elsewhere on the web and tried it. It didn't do any good, and then I read some comments about it later that said it was actually dangerous to your system... so then I switched it right back. Anyway,my Excel 2003 still doesn't work now because of this SKU011.CAB file issue. Does anyone have any suggestions please? Also, can someone please help with a complete virus and spyware check of my laptop? I have had help on this forum before for that from a couple of helpful people for two of my other computers. They guided me through using a series of anti-spyware and anti-virus cleanup tools... it was great. Thanks! Shawn
  3. Hi, are you guys still with me? I could still use your help please! Thanks! Shawn
  4. Further to my condition - aFixedPC, I followed your advice and did that search of files > 10 megs and deleted a LOT of useless crap. I'm up to about 9 gigs free space now, and guess what? Somehow during all that crap deletion it fixed up my draggy audio/video playback! That's back to normal now - not sure what I did to do it! Everything is still compressed, I didn't undo that yet, not sure if I will now, or if I need to. Question please about the LIStool you recommended for my Excel 2003 suggestion - basically, I'm just not sure how to use it. I tried the "enable"mode for it, and it just asks again for the source CD which I don't have. I didn't try the "disable" mode yet as I'm not sure what it will do. I did find a copy of the SKU011.CAB file on the net, so do I need to do a "disable" and then have the LIStool point to the folder where I have this file saved? Thanks! Shawn
  5. Hi guys, thanks for the quick replies! I can tell you a little more now about my computer's condition now after working with it some more - I had thought it was playing "different" chimey sounds, but it's actually playing ALL audio (and video... youtube, etc), really S-L-O-W ! Everything sounds right draggy. God, what have I done! I did that compress thing about a week ago, and it seems to me that youtube videos and other audio was fine until just yesterday. That was when I noticed my Excel not working and I googled "SKU011.CAB missing". I found this site: SKU011.CAB ... and tried the quick registry fix it recommended. But it didn't work, so I changed it back to the original value. Only after I did all this, did I read the comment further down that website that said: "Watch out, this advice about editing the registry is bogus. changing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> Office -> 11.0 -> Delivery just produces a different error and really screws your system". ... do you think it could have been this little registry change that messed me up? That's really the only "system" change I made since doing the compress thing. AFixedPC --> I'm following your recommendation of searching for files > 10 megs and deleting any unnecessary ones, and then UNcompressing everything again. Hopefully that'll put me back to my original state. I have to be careful though - I have only a 30 gig HD on this laptop with only 2.7 gigs of free space at the moment. Thanks also for the SKU011.CAB suggestion... do you think I should wait till after I UNcompress, or can I do that now? Plastic Nav --> Wouldn't compressing be more like zipping and then when you uncompress, you unzip. In this way, the original file is completely intact, byte for byte.... no? Thanks!! Shawn
  6. Hi all, wonder if anyone could help me out with this weird thing. My old XP laptop was running low on HD space the other day so I did that "Compress drive to save disk space" thing. It did give me some extra space, but ever since, I notice a few odd little things with my system: - when I try to run my Excel 2003, a window will come up "Preparing to install" then it says "please wait while Windows configures MS Office Profession Edition 2003". A progress bar will go about 3/4 of the way, then another windows pops up saying "Installation error: file not found. A required installation file SKU011.CAB could not be found". It asks for a folder location to install this file but I no longer have the installation CD. So I can't get Excel working now. - also, it seems the system "sounds" are a little different. My Pegasus mail program used to play a little chimey sound thing when new mail would arrive - it still does, but now the chimey sound is different. And some other system sounds don't sound quite what they used to. - also... and I don't know if this means anything... in Windows Explorer, all my folder names are in a blue font color, whereas they were in black before. Not catastrophic, but some funny little occurrences since I did that compress thing. Has anyone ever experienced the same before? Thanks! Shawn
  7. Sorry for the long absence Tom, had a million things on the go. Anyway, the system has been running great! I ran the ESET, it came out clean with no errors, I couldn't find a logfile for it, I guess everything 's good there. Ran OTL again as you suggested and attached are the 2 log files it created. Tom, I have another system I'd like to clean up... would you mind? Thanks! Shawn Extras.Txt OTL.Txt
  8. OK done Tom... attached are the 2 logfiles. Thanks! Shawn ComboFix.txt mbam-log-2010-04-25 (17-04-05).txt
  9. Thanks Tom... attached is the ComboFix output file. Combofix detected that I had Norton running but I actually didn't. I looked under all my running processes for anything Norton related and could not find anything... so I just let ComboFix run anyway. Hope it ran successfully - seems like it did. I tried invoking Malwarebytes after the Combofix run and it came up this time! (I didn't run it though). So it looks like ComboFix did some good! Thanks Shawn ComboFix.txt
  10. OK, here are those new OTL logfiles attached Tom. Thanks! Shawn OTL.Txt Extras.Txt
  11. Malwarebytes won't run Tom. I had a previous version on there which I first uninstalled before installing again as per your recommendation. It installed fine, and downloaded the latest update fine - then the program terminated. When I try to launch it again, it just won't come up :-( Thanks Shawn
  12. Hi Tom! Did all you suggested : - uninstalled Viewpoint Media Player - installed latest Java - Ran GMER Attached is the Results.log file (...renamed to .txt so I could upload it) Thanks very much!! Shawn P.S: Were my previous OTL and GooredFix runs of use to you? Results.txt
  13. Hi Starbuck and everyone (and thanks again Starbuck for the EXCELLENT help on my last issue). New issue on a new computer - when I try to run Malwarebytes, the program automatically shuts down. For starters I have already run GooredFix and OTL just like I did on my last machine as suggested by Starbuck. I've attached the 3 reports. Thanks! Shawn GooredFix.txt OTL.Txt Extras.Txt
  14. Sorry for the long delay in replying Starbuck... I did your last recommended steps, so I guess we are all done with this machine! Thanks SO much!!! Anyhoo, like I had mentioned before, I have another machine with problems. OK if I open up a new thread regarding it, as you suggested? Thanks! Shawn
  15. Hi Starbuck, sorry for the long delay in getting back to you - I've had a millon things on the go here. Anyhoo, the ESET scan came out clean! Didn't find any malware at all! Below is a copy of the log file: ESETSmartInstaller@High as CAB hook log: OnlineScanner.ocx - registred OK # version=7 # iexplore.exe=8.00.6001.18702 (longhorn_ie8_rtm(wmbla).090308-0339) # OnlineScanner.ocx= # api_version=3.0.2 # EOSSerial=cf2a1ed6ac5cd5468ebbd0c2b12631e4 # end=finished # remove_checked=true # archives_checked=true # unwanted_checked=true # unsafe_checked=true # antistealth_checked=true # utc_time=2010-03-22 05:36:16 # local_time=2010-03-22 02:36:16 (-0400, Atlantic Daylight Time) # country="United States" # lang=1033 # osver=5.1.2600 NT Service Pack 3 # compatibility_mode=8192 67108863 100 0 0 0 0 0 # compatibility_mode=9217 16777214 75 70 2955781 9400243 0 0 # scanned=57356 # found=0 # cleaned=0 # scan_time=3709 ... so I guess we're all done with this computer then? Thanks SO much man! But I'm not done bugging you however ;-) It appears one other of my computers is affected with something. When I go to run MalwareBytes on it, it shuts the program down automatically. Would you mind helping me again for this one? Thank You! Shawn
  16. Seems to be great now Starbuck, thanks very much! I didn't think we were done - I thought there was still something left for you to do with the last files I sent you! Cheers Shawn
  17. All done Starbuck... I've attached the files. Thanks man! Shawn 03092010_172121.txt ComboFix.txt
  18. Thanks very much Starbuck, I did all the runs you suggested, but there was too much text to paste into this reply window, hence I've attached the result files instead. Thanks! Shawn GooredFix.txt Extras.Txt OTL.Txt
  19. Hi all, I got a rather persistent little trojan on my hands. I've run Malwarebytes several times and it says it will remove it on reboot, but when I do and run Malwarebytes again, it's still there (see attached screenshot). I've noticed that possibly because of this virus, I can't do any google search on "malware" or such... my browser just won't go anywhere. And when I try to run TrendMicro Housecall, it'll crash it. Weird eh? Thanks to anyone who can help! Cheers Shawn
  20. Thanks guys, I got a little USB drive the other day and bango, I was able to rescue my file right away - phew! OK, next step will be to re-installl Windows XP Pro. Thanks again for your help guys. Cheers Shawn
  21. Thanks for the reply Tootech. You wrote: Yep, I went into the properties and tried to change the read/write mode. It was showing read only, for the floppy disk and for my external HD (I have no idea why, I always write to this external HD), but it wouldn't let me change the permissions... gave some error message. :-(
  22. I tried this today - I found this video on Youtube about recovering files from a computer that won't boot up: ... I was able to boot the broken computer up with this Linux boot CD I made,and I could go into the hard drive and see all my files there! But when it came to copying my files (I just need ONE main file in particular, an Excel spreadsheet I put a lot of work into lately), it wouldn't do it. I tried copying to a floppy disk - it said a message like "Error, cannot write file to disk" or something. I also connected a Seagate external HD to the broken computer and it recognized it and I could view all the file on the external HD. I thought I had it made then, but when I tried to copy my important file to the external HD, it gave kinda the same error message. Have you ever played with Linux or this boot CD concept? If this would work, it'd be ideal for me now - I'd worry later about restoring Windows on the broken computer. Thanks Shawn
  23. thank you Randy, I'll read that. Thanks Shawn
  24. Hi Randy, thanks for the quick reply. Well, this desktop is actually a big ol' computer that a colleague of mine in Pennsylvania shipped to me. It had a hard drive full of data that we both needed and he just sent me the whole thing. No disk or anything with it, but it has XP Pro on it. If I find another XP pro disk around here somwehere, will I be able to do this? Do you know if this will cause me to lose all my data? The make - "Neon Light, network System".Where do I find the model & number of it? Thanks! Shawn
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