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About harvey

  • Birthday 05/23/1971

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nev, you are a star.. Thanks so much!! I'll let you know how i get on. Cheers!
  2. thanks jellybean.. Yes, the power stays on but it just won't boot. I've tried the f8 menu and selecting last working configuation but it just wont start up!! Is there anything i can try? So grateful... thanks. christian.
  3. Hi there. Thanks so much for your reply. Ye's, I'd like to retrieve the data but 'd also like to be able to fire it up again. Is it likely that the dead battery is the reason is won't boot up? Thanks. Also, are you aware of a way I can enter the battery recalibration menu if this is the case?
  4. Hi Folks, I've got a 5 yr old dell laptop that has died. I've bought a new one as it's needed for work but there are images/spreadsheets/invoices etc that i need to retrieve. It's recieving power from the mains adaptor but just won't boot up. I suspect it's something to do with the battery as it died months and months ago and has been on mains power only. If i enter the f12 or f2 setup/boot menus the info on "battery" says "not inserted" (or something along those lines anyhow..) I'm guessing a laptop won't boot if the battery is dead?? Should I but a new battery? (might be worthwhile as it means i don't have to ditch the thing, could ebay it..) I havn't tried to boot it for 3 weeks and tried today and was amazed to be offered the battery calibaration menu!! Over-excited I abandoned the calibration and went straight for boot up... Nothing happened.. Your advice greatly appreciated. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif
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