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Everything posted by umi4got2

  1. ive been thinking of getting a 9800gt for my computer well lets say when i got it my computer wasnt big enough so now im thinking of getting a 8800gt my specs are maker:dell model:insprion 530 current graphics card :8300gs processor: intelĀ® Core2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHZ windows vista home premium R.A.M: 3gb power:300watts so any ideas i dont wanna get another one thats not gonna fit and try to shove it in ur help would be greatly appericated :D
  2. card broke well the card iam using now 8300 geforce just broke for no reasona nd now im thinking of getting a 9800gts do u guys think i should?:confused:
  3. service tag i think the service tag is : 6m7ddf1
  4. card well now how bout what is the best graphics card i can get for games
  5. model i think its a i think the model is a :Inspiron Desktop 530 but not really sure:confused:
  6. hi guys i been wanting to update my graphics card GeForce 9800 GX2 but i dont know if my system can handle it or is compatiable plz can someone tell me help is accpericated system info: maker:dell proccer: IntelĀ® Core Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz and thats what i mostly know so can someone help me plz :)
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