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About thehillster

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ******yeah!!!!***** Memory test was AIO but the Nero tool worked a wonder as looked like I had taken all Nero prgrams off but it found and erased 2 and now..... .....Sorted no more BSOD Whilst that was probably obvious and simple took people with a bit of PC knowledge and patience to point me in the right direction ***Thankyou all that helped and to Randy L for final touch*** Top forum- will pass onto others- keep up the good work Thanks 'BSOD free hillster' ps got hit with VISTA anti virus trojan during all this but manged to get rid of it using forums again so totally clean again now. Thanks again Hillster
  2. hi- no still does the BSOD! It has also now started crashing if leave computer for 20 mins without use....help!
  3. HI- GREAT - WHAT DO I DO THEN! Thanks
  4. hey there- cheeky again- long day at the office and I thought my boss spoke a foriegn language till I opened up this- maybe just tired! Ok- firstly Open setup- lost me at enter setup- sorry! tried the chkdsk part and nothing happens, am i missing something?! same for scannow! finally- went to memtest and that blew me away- how many downlaods!? sorry but I maybe I need more signposting than I thought! please dont give up- we can do this!- p.l.e.a.s.e hillster- tired and wanting to throw computer threw window
  5. __________________________________________ Hi- yes tried the system restore but still BSOD! Anything worth trying?
  6. Hi I am hoping someone can help with my BSOD as not very IT literate but can get around if prompted! When try and shut computer down I get the BSOD stop Codes; 0X0000008E (0xc0000005, 0x83ee64f1, ox8d5cfa04, 0x000000) I looked at some forums and they suggested software to 'clean' the computer hence I puchased 'speedy pc'. Found lots of files and paths that needing deleting but still the BSOD! Only thing I can think I added prior to it occuring was an old version of NERO (5) which I found not to be VISTA compatable so I erased it from system but still getting BSOD Computer works fine and no issues. I tend to leave on but after 2-3 days the BSOD kicks in anyway! No issues rebooting- goes stright to windows after usual quesions about safemode etc Thanks for reading and help hillster
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