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About yumyumcookie

  • Birthday 06/10/1967

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

yumyumcookie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just tried following the link the the walfare software but it doesnt seem to be working for me, keeps saying page cannot be displayed
  2. Iv'e just checked that and its showing a tick next to allow remote access, what does this mean then? (without stating the obvious)
  3. also after i hve removed what should i do next?
  4. i will do but that really doesn't help my initial reason of how they got there, could it be linked to a virus or a link tht came from other downloads i used it for?
  5. Hi, I got home several days ago to find a note on my desk from my girlfriend saying she found stuff on my limewire that made her physically ill, i asked her what it was she found and she said 63 dodgy porn videos. The problem is, i havn't used limewire in months, even years, and all i ever did use it for was mp3 downloads for the first couple of days as i found it quite a good tool before all the viruses i found come with it, so my question is, how did these videos get there? I couldnt check when they were downloaded as they were deleted as she said she was in such shock tht she got rid of them. I asked my friend if he knew anything about these videos as this was a serious issue and it was him who downloaded limewire on my pc to begin with and has also used my pc many many times. He told me that he did download a porno as a joke a long time ago as he knew my family used it so was playing a practical joke but after a couple of days realised i hadnt noticed (as i never use the bloody program) so he deleted it. IS there a link between any of this tht could of happened by downloading previous stuff on limewire or anything at all that could of done this? Im not sure if this is worth notting but i have also have a trojan on my computer at current but havn't got round to formatting my pc yet so not sure if that has anything to do with it.
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