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About AlecR

  • Birthday 07/30/1949

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

AlecR's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Great I'LL try that
  2. Thanks all, will any dell disc work? or do i just install windows 7
  3. Hello yes done that, still will not boot up
  4. Yes, can't acces it, Will any Dell Disk work?
  5. HI I have a inspiron 9300, on my screen is " a disk error occurred press ctrl+alt+del. when i do this it starts to boot up and then goes back to the same message
  6. Hello, last night I started a PC Recover on my Dell laptop, it was all going to plan and 75% complete then my grandson turned off my laptop. I can no longer start it up, just keep getting error and told to press ctrl/alt/delete when I do this it just goes into a loop, I don't have the master disc can you help?
  7. Hola, Just so you have an idea of what you are dealing with, After living in Spain 6 months a year for the past 6 years thats about the only Spanish I know,
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