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  1. Hi, Just plugged another monitor in displayed as it should without any white lines. To re sit the cables am i going to have to take it to bits?
  2. http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4339/dscn1223sb9.jpg Theres the photo Thanks.
  3. How do i re-sit the cables?
  4. Arg now a second white line has appeared.... Ill take a photo today and upload it.
  5. Hi, I cannot flex the screen is does not flex. Is there a way to ajust screen placement etc on a laptop?
  6. Hi Its a laptop HP nx6110 I dont have a spare monitor.
  7. Hi, Wondered if any one could help. My pc has got a thick white line running down the right hand side of the screen. It appears as soon as the computer is turned on and will not go away. It appears above everything else all applications and the mouse curser. If i do a screen print its not on the screen print but is on my pc. It never moves and is just very strange.. Any ideas??? Thanks.
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