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Everything posted by matt2322

  1. hi there! i have a problem with a dvd disc.. my partners grandad asked me to transfer a vhs onto a dvd and edit it for him. ( i did this using a vhs - dvd combi player ) i have all the software to do it but my main problem is that when i open the disc in my computer, the disc says its empty? however, i will be using roxio creator 10 to do all my work on this file, and the dvd will play within roxio but nowhere else.. so therfore i know there is something definately on the disc. i thought as it is a +RW disc, it may still be classed as 'open' so i done an exact copy of the disc using roxio 10, but i copied it onto a general day to day dvd disc so that it would close.. but yet the same problem is happening.. is there anyway or any program i could use to pull the file off the disc? any information would be a great help! as i have untill tomorrow to figure it out. thanks alot.:)
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