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About Neville

  • Birthday 09/25/1938

Personal Information

  • Occupation
  • Real Name
    Neville Fernandes

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_7_professional

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Acer Aspire Z-5600 All in one
  2. Hi Nev, In view of what you have stated regarding copyright infringement etc., maybe I could try and restore the machine to its original state (if possible) to ascertain whether or not that was in fact legal to begin with and take it from there. The discs that I have are:- 1. For reinstalling Dell Tools Software 2. For reinstalling Dell Inspiron System Software 3. For reinstalling Sonic RecordNow 6.5.3 Software 4. For reinstalling Cyberlink PowerDVD If you could suggest a tutorial to assist me, I will know soon enough whether it is "genuine"or not, the moment I try and download MSE. This machine is very old and if it proves to be "pirated", it will not be feasible to buy a new operating system. Thanks and hope you will be able to assist with the reinstallation. Keeping my fingers crossed. Nev
  3. Hi KenB, Two items Broadcom 440X 10/100 Integrated Controller D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G650 Adapter with no exclamation marks or Xs and my wireless network connection says that I am connected wit excellent signal strength.
  4. Using: Dell Inspiron 1100 Laptop running windows XP Professional, although the sticker on the back (certificate of Authenticity) says "Windows XP Home edition" This is an old machine handed down to me. When I got it,it was very slow so I managed to get some info off the net to speed things up, and was quite happy with the resultant improvement as far as speed was concerned. Unfortunately, somehow I have inadvertently upset my wireless connection and cannot re-connect. I have a D-Link wireless cardbus adapter DWL-G650. The wireless network icon at the bottom left of the screen says I am connected:- Speed 54.0 mbps. Signal strength : Excellent Status: Connected. Whereas in fact I am not. https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=0eee6d23e8&view=att&th=132d731a227ef3c6&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=f_gtf5zkbc0&zw Connection problems.bmp 2305K View Download In addition there are numerous errors in the "system" & "application" logs. https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=0eee6d23e8&view=att&th=132e4b9af16be45d&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=f_gtiwx79q0&zw Errors.bmp 2305K View Download https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=0eee6d23e8&view=att&th=132e4b9af16be45d&attid=0.2&disp=thd&realattid=f_gtiwzj621&zw errors(1).bmp 2305K View Download However if I connect via the Ethernet cable everything works fine. Is there any possibility to restore the wireless capability? If so please keep in mind that the instructions will need to be in plain language and "step by step", in order for me to be able to follow. The machine was running IE-6, so I tried to install IE-7, but it did not install, saying that the windows version was not genuine. I do have the original discs, but have no idea how to re-install. Thanks!!
  5. Hi all, I am now running Windows 7 Home Premium, on an Acer Aspire Z5600 for the past couple of months. I was using the "older version" of G-mail, until I was informed by Google that it would be necessary for me to switch over to the "newer version", which I did. After using the new version for a couple of weeks, I have now realised that numerous contacts of mine are no longer available in my address book. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  6. Start-up Problems Thanks for your help, all of you. Sorry for the long delay in replying and am not going to waste your time with details. Evidently I did something wrong while trying to disconnect and my old PC has breathed it's last. It has been replaced and I am now, once more, learning how to use "Windows 7" since last night. Thanks!!
  7. Start-up Problems Found and disabled the same without difficulty, it was where you said it would be, but the result was exactly the same as before
  8. Start-up Problems Changed the mode setting to IDE,with the same result.
  9. Start-up Problems No! I do not, as this is an old "hand-me-down" unit. Are there any other options?
  10. Start-up Problems Now that I know approximately where I am, I have found out that "Raid" is the "Operating Mode" and the only option to change the same is to "IDE"
  11. Hi KenB, Believe it or not, I have actually been in the BIOS window - if that is the correct term to use - for some time now, only, I did not know it, because the heading on my screen was and still is, all but obliterated. Anyhow! I finally managed to re-arrange the "Boot Device Priority" as follows:- 1st Boot Device [sM-_NEC DVD_RW ND-] 2nd Boot Device [PM-WDC WD800AB-00C] 3rd Boot device [1st FLOPPY DRIVE] This however exists only in the BDP window. There is another window, "Main" the one with the "System Time" "System Date" etc.. In that one the order remains the same as the original:- System Time System Date Legacy Diskette [1.44M, 3.5 in.] Language [English] Primary IDE Master : [WDC WD800AB-00CBA1] Primary IDE Slave : [Not Detected] Secondary IDE Master : [_NEC DVD_RW ND-130] Secondary IDE SLAVE : [sAMSUNG CD -R/RW SW] Third IDE Master : [Not Detected] Fourth IDE Master : [Not Detected] IDE Configuration Blank System Information Blank Also the same in:- Please select boot device: 1st. FLOPPY DRIVE PM-WDC WD800AB-00CBA1 SM-_NEC DV_RW ND-1300A SS-SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-248F Generic USB SD Reader Generic USB CF Reader Generic USB SM Reader Use arrows to move selection ENTER to select boot device ESC to boot using defaults I hope this sheds some light on the subject. On attempting to re-start the computer the results were the same five cycle sequence which goes nowhere. Please let me know how re-arrange the same, if necessary. Thanks!!
  12. Start-up Problems Sorry Ken, though I have ascertained I actually have IDE, I have been unsuccessful in getting into the BIOS since early this morning.
  13. Start-up Problems Thanks KenB, I am a beginner and haven't the faintest idea how to manage any of the above tasks. Also, I do not know whether the hard drive is IDE or whether Raid is enabled or not. However, perhaps with explicit, step by step instructions, I could possibly give it a go. The motherboard is an ASUS P4P800-E
  14. Start-up Problems System Time [09:55:48] System Date [Fri 06/18/2010] Legasy Diskette A [1.44M, 3.5 in.] Primary IDE Master [WDC WD800AB-00CBA1] Primary IDE Slave [Not Detected] Secondary Master [_NEC DVD_RW ND-130] Secondary Slave [sAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW] Third IDE Master [Not Detected] Fourth IDE Master [Not Detected] IDE Configuration b l a n k System Information b l a n k Found this, sending it in case it has any significance. System Time [09:55:48] System Date [Fri 06/18/2010] Legasy Diskette A [1.44M, 3.5 in.] Primary IDE Master [WDC WD800AB-00CBA1] Primary IDE Slave [Not Detected] Secondary Master [_NEC DVD_RW ND-130] Secondary Slave [sAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW] Third IDE Master [Not Detected] Fourth IDE Master [Not Detected] IDE Configuration b l a n k System Information b l a n k
  15. Start-up Problems Hi Nev, Done exactly as directed, with the same result, i.e. the five cycles of the progress bar and the automatic re-starts up to that particular point. However, at one point I did get a message saying "Reboot and select proper boot service or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key". Furthermore on re-trying the selection of the boot device, it appears that the PM-WDC WD800AB-00CBA1 had not actually been selected. I assume this because each time the boot device selection box opens, the topmost item "1st FLOPPY DRIVE" always seems to be selected. Due to the repetition I was able to notice something which may or may not be relevant, it flashes momentarily on the screen:- Scanning IDE drives No drive attachment to fast track Controller. The BIOS is not installed" Thanks! Nev
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