Hi from a newbie to this forum....and boy do I need your help.
Please excuse my descriptions as I'm not really that knowledgable....but you have to start somewhere!
Last week I bought a GeCube ATI Radeon 9250 on Ebay (think this was a big mistake). Installed it after disabling the on-board card and loaded drivers provided.
Then everything seemed to go pear-shaped. The card seemed eractic, changing screen resolutions, and performance didn't seem very good. I'm not playing any games bty, just basic photo-shop, kitchen-planning graphics and stuff...nothing major. Stuff like playing youtube vids no different to my onboard card.
THEN, and this may be purely coincidental, when on-line I started getting multiple pop-ups, something I have not had for ages. I use NTL's netguard and mozilla.
Decided to uninstall everything that I had installed with the new card. On removing programs I noticed a new one not knowingly installed by myself with seemed to be causing the pop-ups. Could this have come from the set-up disc provided with my (what I now consider to be) conterfeit/dodgy card?
Anyway, nearly back to normal except my graphics are still not right.....On certain web pages and my start-up Mozilla page I get large red blocks instead of the normal graphics. Hard to explain!
Like this.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.