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About dinx

  • Birthday 04/28/1987

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I did not always think it was a heat issue as even if the pc was booting up I could get the same problem but Ken B Thank You I did what you said and i got soo angry as I stripped the whole pc and still had the same problem and then I noticed (light bulb moment) The reset button re starts the pc so i cut the wires off I am no longer using my sisters laptop to write this but my own desktop pc THANK YOU GUYS
  2. I have just put in the new powersupply the pc worked just fine but then the same problem started all over again I was using the same dvd drive but disconnected that and still had the same problem the case is the same as well. I now have changed everything and still got the same problem could it be a virus? but the pc still reboots itself even when its booting up anyone have any idea's what it could be by the way am not a wizard at a pc so please try to explain in simple terms. thanks
  3. Hi, I have seem to have two user accounts on my log in screen I do not know how I managed that when I log into my main account I can not delete that new account but when I log into that new account I can delete my old account how do I get rid of the new account?
  4. Hi, I just had a new custom pc built and used the powersupply from my old pc which was also custom built now with both pc's the pc keeps restarting randomly at first I thought it was a virus but even with no hard drives connected the pc keeps restarting itself I disconnected all hardware like the dvd drive and all hard drives. with the new pc built I thought let me put in a new hard drive just incase it was a virus issue. the pc just randomly reboots Can the powersupply cause any problems like this which causes the pc to restart all the time?
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