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  1. danzil i have not replied in a while as i have been extremely busy, but now i have adia32 can u please tell me what i need to do with it and what information u need from it please
  2. my front ports are broken and only three of the four back usb ports usually work, but all ports give the same response, i will get back to you with the make of my motherboard
  3. Danzil i have tried what you told me and it all seemed to have worked, i was givven reports on my computor saying that my usb was installed and readdy for use but then when i tried pluging in my usb devices a balloon in the lower righ hand corner pops up saying unknown device and my usb devices are unusable still asking for any other help, if can be given please post it thanks so far
  4. thanks Danzil i will now try this again i am unsure what hardware i have in my pc such as the usb card and the unknown devices are anything i plug in
  5. Danzil i thank you for your advice but i have to report that it has not helped, when i get to the universal serial bus controllers is the device manager it had got 2 unknown device icons when my devices are pluged in i have uninstalled these and tried installing drivwers but this has been unsuccessful any more ideas?
  6. Thank you Danzil i have not tried this yet as my user on this computer does not have user privelages as soon as i can get the main user of this computer to try this i shall post my progress and wether or not this works
  7. Okay i know wht you are going through because i have it too, anything i plug in is unrecognised or not even shown as being plugged in... i have tried all USB slots i have tried installing new drivers i have triedthe same devices on different pc's and they all work there is still power going to the USB slots because things still charge and light up but are unusable PLEASE HELP, THIS IS SERIOUS I CAN'T USE WEBCAM, PSP, MP3, IPOD, MEMORY STICK USB MOUSE , E.T.C any help would be much apreciated and please help before this weekend as i need to upload some files to psp before my holiday
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