Got a load of games and looking to buy a new pc and that only comes with vista. Need to know if games will play or will I need to download patches, and if so where can i find them and what do I do, I am a complete biff on things like this so feel free to laugh at me its ok.
The games are;
Medieval total war
Medieval total war Viking invasion
Rome total war
Rome total war barbarian invasion
Medieval 2 total war
warhammer mark of chaos
warhammer 40000 dawn of war
warhammer 40000 dawn of war dark crusade
warhammer 40000 dawn of war winter assault
civilization iv
call of duty deluxe edition
The lord of the rings The battle for middle earth
The lord of the rings The battle for middle earth II
The lord of the rings The battle for middle earth II the rise of the witch king
Lord of the ring the fellowship of the ring