Help!!! This is my first post and I am at a bit of a loss and don't know what to so with my pC short of throwing it across the room........
For the past few weeks it has been crashing and locking up - needing to be reset and shutting down when we are right in the middle of something. It shut down last week in would not re-boot at all. The lights were on the tower and the fan stated up fine - but nothing would load. I took it in to be repaired and was told it was the power supply unit - which has also damaged the mother board and both were replaced at a cost of £140.
We got it home yesterday and it loaded and ran fine for five hours and then the same thing happened again. The fan starts and the lights come on the tower - but nothing loads and there is nothing on the screen. Any ideas before I take it back to the repairers tomorrow??????? I am running XP, its is 120gb and has 512ram.
thanks in advance!