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  1. Hi mate, Thank you for your reply. I have tried a fresh install before, yes; but this makes no difference. However, I have not actually tried physically resitting the heat-sink and fan, or checking the thermal grease. I'll give those a go tonight. Thanks for your help. :) Someone once suggested the clock-speed may be wrong and that I should get a program to modify the speed. Any ideas where I could get something like this? Thanks, Lee.
  2. Hi all, I recently bought a new processor and motherboard for my other components, and when I put them all together, and finally got it to at least turn on after lots of other problems, I then came across the following problems, and still do:- 1. My PC suddenly decides to restart itself sometimes, without warning. It just freezes for half a second with a nasty buzzing sound (from the speakers, not the tower), and restarts itself. This may not be of any relevance, but I've noticed this happens most often when it's a hot day. 2. Most software I try to install fails to complete. Apparently files are corrupt, when I know they worked on the old system setup. 3. For some reason, the operating system takes at least one whole minute to properly kick in. Nothing shows up in my system tray until then, and anything I try and open before then is just frozen until at least the system tray starts up. HELP PLEASE!! Thanks, Lee. :)
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