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About LinkindinkinPark

  • Birthday 06/01/1977

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  • System: other_linux_based

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  1. What CPU did you take out? Did you check your CPU for compatibility with your board, there are a good few P4 HT's. Check here http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/cpu_support_right_master.aspx?type=1&name=P5ND2-SLI%20Deluxe&SLanguage=en-us P4 CPU cross reference List of Intel Pentium 4 microprocessors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Its a Belkin....., username is admin, no password set as standard. There are 3 or 4 permutations of login details for domestic routers. Look them up when you see them on the forum, check your info is correct!!!!!
  3. eh? whats page files got to do with lack of resources? page file sizes in kilobytes per second and 1.5 times , you got me there?????? windows is having a fit cos it thinks two devices are using the same irq and dma. sometimes they do share but it only works for some devices.have a look in device manager for devices with problems,they show with a yellow exclamation or question mark, and for disabled devices shown with a red cross through them. uninstall those and reboot.see how it is could also try system restore back to when it was working, probably first thing to try I guess.
  4. restart without cd is ok ......start without cd gives you ubuntu icon.... means it is installed just as it should be i reckon theres a hardware fault, maybe a drive playing up or a psu a bit weak when cold.tricky to diagnose on a forum,could do with swapping psu to see if it goes away, then installing on a different drive to check same
  5. ide or sata hard drive? guess its ide. check in bios it is configured properly. if it is all ok, reformat using ubuntu util, gparted i think, to one partition and swap partition and reinstall
  6. you cant upgrade a laptop video card.for games you should buy a new or newer laptop
  7. googletalk can do offline messaging if thats any good
  8. @Dalo linksys router ip is but they set the dhcp range starting at 1.100. had a look in the manual and its standard guess thats just how they do it. kinda same as bt and speedtouch setting router ip to 1.254 and dhcp range staring from 1.2, who knows why?? @kev adsl2 could help lots. depends on line noise.exchange profiles line on noise margin,that means less noise more signal = faster.
  9. 5.5 km is getting marginal.you really need the upstream/downstream stats to be sure theres no way of modding the sync speed,the exchange profile is set by your signal to noise ratio netgear dg834 series can be modded to sync higher by changing signal/noise allowable margin sometimes get from 500kb/s to 650/700 you need some knowhow and firmware from here DGTeam - The Custom DG834XX Series Router Firmware Web Site if you dont have any other line faults you are stuck:(
  10. that that Dalo mentioned is the standard setting for Linksys. all changing it will do is move the ip addresses down the range. DONT set it to - router cannot start giving addresses at that number because its taken. imho leave it alone its the downstream rate shown on pic 1 that determines what is possible did you look your adsl up on bt site? their info is important how far are you from exchange? long lines are crap to sync to, speedtouch and netgear are best for long lines, its to do with the internal firmware,they tend to sync a slightly higher rate
  11. drive should show straight away. its a 3.5" so it needs plenty of mA from the USB port. does the USB cable have a double connector on one end. if it does connect them both to your computer ports. was the drive encrypted by any chance in the old caddy
  12. agreed see if he has enough data to make a complete file. if not what then :)
  13. what speed should you get. check here BT Broadband could be your sync rate is down using a router. look for the stats and post them. noise margin etc and post them this page may help ::. Kitz - Get your adsl line stats .::
  14. not strictly true data analysis software does it all the time. time histories,vibration data,music files some very clever software from people like ncode,hbm and bespoke software can see aaachs logic, this might work mergetorrent - Project Hosting on Google Code
  15. sorry to offend you beeceebee do you work for an isp and know something i dont should have clarified if you have adsl reboot - cable reboot modem. that good enough for you
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