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  1. I cant get into anything on the computer, because Bios goes straight to hard drive and tries to load windows, so i cant even press F8 to do a safe boot as it wont recognise the keyboard Fridge914 stop: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005,0x80576f26,0xed797988,0x00000000) this is the dump message i receive.
  2. stop: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005,0x80576f26,0xed797988,0x00000000) this is the dump message i receive.
  3. I cant get into anything on the computer, because Bios goes straight to hard drive and tries to load windows, so i cant even press F8 to do a safe boot as it wont recognise the keyboard Fridge914
  4. Hi, i hope someone can help?! My computer has dumped (again) STOP 0x0000008E etc etc So when i try to boot again i have tried to go into safe mode (as I am about to format the damn thing anyway) my keyboard does not work (tried 2 others) so it automatically boots straight into windows and halfway through the boot up it dumps again. I have a 98 boot disk (which i use al the time) but when it is loaded I cannot move to any of the options or type anything as the keyboard isnt recognised. Any help would be appreciated as I have been on the thing for hours now (this is my laptop i am using to try and get help). Regards
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