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About macken

  • Birthday 04/25/1986

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Tech Info

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  • System: windows_7_ultimate

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. This sounds more like a problem with your browser. If you are currently using Internet Explorer try downloading Firefox and trying Hotmail in that. Obiviously if you are currently opening Hotmail in Firefox try Internet Explorer. Have you tried opening Hotmail via the address bar and not by clicking your tab? Sometimes tabs go wrong so try entering the address manually. Hope this may have helped.
  2. If you visit the manufacturers website, they will usually have a drivers section, aslong as you know your MOBO model number then download your driver from there.
  3. As mentioned by Match, you will need to enable the keyboard to work in BIOS otherwise your keyboard won't work and then you will not be able to boot from CD because your cannot command it to do so.
  4. Hi guys, New here and thought I would pop in and say hello :). Hoping to help a few members out here and maybe get some help back in return (which I will probably need at some point lol). Mike
  5. A virus from a microsoft update? Like above, where di you download your SP3 update from? If it was the "offical" download then you should be fine and maybe a problem with your OS. If on the other hand its not the offical microsoft download then it may very well be a virus.
  6. I used to also use a laptop connected wirelessly to connect my 360 to the internet via an ethernet cable and bridging the connections. I found it was very unstable and would drop out for no reason and reconnect when it felt like it. I would recommend splashing out on a wireless network adapter, eBay would be a great place to pick up a cheap second hand one.
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