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About madman32

  • Birthday 02/03/1990

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  • System: windows_7_ultimate

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  1. it sounds like the pc is trying to boot off the original infected hard drive rather than the new one... if you go into the motherboard bios you should be able to see the boot order and change it so the good hard drive is the one that the pc will try and boot of first hope this helps madman32
  2. problem fixed It turns out not to have been a processor issue at all it seems that the jumper which was used to clear the CMOS had broken inside the plastic casing.... this meant that the pc would not boot up as it wasnt quite right... sorry to have wasted your time hope this helps anyone else who gets a similar issue. (also turns out i wasnt using attachments correctly.... sorry about that) thanks madman32
  3. yes its the LGA775 socket, the motherboard is an abit fata1ty one which is basically an nvdia n650i sli motherboard. picture of the underside of the cpu (i couldn't see any capacitors damaged or knocked loose) http://img693.imageshack.us/i/20100806203049.jpg/ Picture of the motherboard cpu socket (again i cannot see any capacitors damaged or misplaced) http://img251.imageshack.us/i/20100806203117.jpg/ i've also checked over most of the components attached to the motherboard after your last post. It has nothing out of place that i can see... any other ideas as to what might be wrong? also i tried to put the bios disk in and run that and the drive spins so has power but nothing appears on the screen and nothing appears to be happening.. thanks madman32
  4. @ tankengine your problem sounds more like a powersupply problem tbh... if your motherboard has the PCI-E socket necessary to install the graphics card into then it should support the card type. At least enough to boot up and allow you to download and install the driver.. which would lead me to thinking its a powersupply issue and that would mean that you need a better powersupply to power your pc. also it looks like from your spec that you would need to upgrade the processor to play the game as well. to see where your processor comes heres a link AMD Processors for Desktops: AMD Phenom?, AMD Athlon? FX, AMD Athlon? X2 Dual-Core, AMD Athlon?, and AMD Sempron? Processor hope that helps madman32
  5. forgot to mention before i tried to clear the CMOS by removing the battery and all atx power connections before moving the jumper lead as well in an effort to get it to work. sorry im not sure which forum this belongs in as im not sure what the problem is.. thanks in advance for the help
  6. Recently i'v started to upgrade my pc that i built myself 3 years ago and havent had a problem with... till now. i installed a quad core processor (intel q8400) and the heatsink and cleared the CMOS and then put the jumper back in the right place and suddenly it stopped working. Wondering if it was the processor that might be damaged i replaced it with the original core 2 e4500 processor that i put in before and that no longer works. my motherboard is supposed to make a short beep on startup or do a series of beeps if there is a problem which can be decoded using the manual. It currently is doing no beeps whatsoever and not booting up the bios... any ideas what the problem is or how i might go about fixing it? thanks
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