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About Sinbad

  • Birthday 03/05/1967

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Bank Manager
  • Real Name
    Warren Reid

Tech Info

  • Experience
  • System: windows_xp_home

Sinbad's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks Randy L and Synapse. Used your advice and now up and running again. Thanks. Sinbad
  2. Thanks Synapse. My next problem is there's not a download that says that it is a straightforard Service Pack 2 (or 3) download - they all have different names i.e. ".Net framework 2" and I don't know what they mean. Can you give me the links and I'll try them? Ta Sinbad
  3. Help. I had to restore Windows after a crash from the orig restore discs which date back to 2003 for my Windows XP Home Edition. I've successfully done this, but whenever I try to reinstall the printer drivers, or anti-virus programmes, etc i get the message that I can't because I need a higher version of Windows (usually SP 2). I've been on Microsoft centre and can see all the downloads, but because I'm not techy minded I don't undertsand which ones I need or don't need. Can I go straight to SP3 or do I have to go up from 1 and then 2 first? Does XP Home have SP1 installed as standard?- I don't know!! Any help would be much appreciated
  4. My real name's Warren and I'm from a wee village not far from Aberdeen, Scotland. I'm a banker and work with computers day in day out and have a good working knowledge of Word, Excel and other bank bank-based applications. However, when things go wrong then I'm up the proverbial creek without a paddle and usually rely on our IT Support desk to sort things out. But, when it's my home PC then I'm snookered. I just wish I understood all the techy terms, firewalls, virus stuff,etc or there was a computing course I could go on to do learn this, but I don't think there are any. Hey, perhaps thats my euraka moment?? Warren (aka Sinbad)
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