Hi everyone, thanks for any assistance with my problem.
Microsoft XP Professional
processor is dual core, I think it's 2.8ghz.
abit a-n68sv motherboard
500gb hard drive
I've been having this problem for about a week now.
I believe it started after my pc got some spyware (Antivrus pro, or some other rubbish) although it could just be a coincidence. I removed it following some trusted online instructions, but I still had errors with some of my software.
I would hear the error noise Windows makes, but nothing would pop up. Firefox wouldn't load any flash programs and was generally buggy, although Internet Explorer worked fine.
Then I was on my pc and had a blue screen error, and my pc restarted. It loaded up windows and came to the log on screen. My mouse/keyboard weren't working so I pressed the restart button, my computer got past the post screen and then the screen went black when the windows load bar should've gone across the screen.
I checked in the menu (the one that comes up when you press Delete), and Windows was detecting my harddrive and should've been booting it. Just to be safe I tried the harddrive with another PC and it worked fine.
I formatted the hard drive and re-installed Windows. Windows loaded up as normal, I installed the drivers from the CD and Windows rebooted. I once again had the same problem, although the Windows loading bar now comes up for a few seconds.
I tried installing Windows on another harddrive and had the same problem.
I would be incredibly grateful for any assistance.