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About surferchappie

  • Birthday 09/07/1982

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. Hi, and thanks for the reply. Yes two monitors. Yes the repeat of images occurs on both (or did when both were firing up ok). There is a repeat of everything both to the left and to the right of the original. The mouse cursor is wherever it is placed and that is where a repeat will occur. There is not a repeat of or an image of a mouse cursor on one screen and then also on the other. Each monitor works alone on the motherboard GPU if the PC is booted into safemode (cannot boot to normal mode and get a screen to fire up whatsoever now). The 2nd card doesn't allow the monitors to display any images, never has done. A screen is only displayed if the initial monitor is connected to the 1st graphics card. Both monitors are run from the same card. Conecting the 2nd monitor to the 2nd card (back when everything seemed to work ok) didn't allow the 2nd monitor to show anything. Power supply is an FSP400-60HLN (400W? If so then this seems underpowered...have never really had a look at the powers supply within the system, but have also never really had any issues either). Both cards have one S-Video port, and two DVI ports. Thanks Paul
  2. No new ideas? C'mon, even grabbed a pic of the bluescreen phenomenon, thought that'd give someone with decent software knowledge an idea of what might be happening behind the scenes...? Anyone?
  3. All power rerouted to one 6-slot plug bank plugged directly into the wall with nothing other than the desktop, and two monitors plugged into it. Neither monitor activates when the desktop is powered up...
  4. Hi Dalo, do you mean the pins on the cable that connects the monitors to the PC? Have checked there, they seem to be fine. There are 4 outputs in all (2 per card), and i am running two monitors, both from the same graphics card. A new development is that with two monitors hooked up, both monitors fail to display anything or even power up automatically like they normally do, and manually they wont power up either. If i remove the second monitor, the first one powers up just fine...leanng towards the power being the issue, or two dead graphics cards. I have tried hooking up to the second graphics card but this doesn't show anything (similarly to when 2 monitors are hooked up and they fail to activate).
  5. Removed the little 2xplug sockets junction box and plugged the plug bank directly into the wall, but no joy. Booted into a bluescreen, i got a picture of it. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/fordie_bucket/DSC_6952.jpg Am rerouting the power leads now...
  6. Hi Tyla and thanks for the reply. I'm thinking that you may have hit on something there, neither of the graphics cards installed have been overclocked, but the whole system is running from a series of extension leads, primarily coming from a little 2xplug sockets box. Will give this a try see if we can mustre up some magic. Thanks again Paul
  7. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/fordie_bucket/DSC_6942.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/fordie_bucket/DSC_6941.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/fordie_bucket/DSC_6950.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w308/fordie_bucket/DSC_6951.jpg Thanks again Paul
  8. Hi, ok so to get off on the right foot, i know bits but not much, and certainly not to any depth. Right: moved house the other day, desktop all nicely transported, turned on, on the phone to the net people and during a random game of solitaire the screen goes haywire! I am not sure exactly how to explain it, but imagine (pix on their way shortly) a dupliicate of everything on the screen both to the right and to the left of the original and about one 3rd the width of the screen away from the original. Take this image and put a weave effect over the entire screen...i've lost you haven't I... When the PC was running in normal mode, and the issue first occured, everything froze. Rebooting into safemode allowed me to move the cursor around and pretty much use the PC like normal...only now there are extra effects! If (when in safemode) i move the cursor (remeber there is a duplicate cursor too both to the right and to the left) it wipes out all of the weave effect that it goes over leaving the screen looking normal again, kind of like an eraser, however, if i move far enough left or right (not up or down as the duplicates are to the left and right of the original) the duplicate will re establish little lines (weave effect) where they had previously been erased. Not sure if this will add to the puzzle but whilst the PC is booting it displays some of the same weave effect, none of the duplication though (that i can make out). I am assuming that this is a graphics card issue (there are two Geforce 9800's installed - SLI is disabled as it screws with my gaming). Any and all help much appreciated, thanks people. Paul (pix of the screen in safe mode are on the way)
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