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About Chelston

  • Birthday 07/16/1937

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Dalo, No , everything is the same as it was with no replacements and no charge. As for the Alt/Del, I have been looking on the net and beginning to suspect it might have been Ctrl/Alt/Del that was used but as I got the info 2nd hand I can't be sure. Anyway I have written to Samsung about the problem and the apparent solution to see what they say about it. Cheers
  2. Hi All, Just for info - took the netbook back to the retailer and the guy at the desk took it to a techie in the workshop to check out the mains lead etc. The guy at the back plugged in and apparently pressed Alt/Delete and it powered up. Couldn't get to talk to him but it's now working fine. Don't know if anyone kinows this key combination and if it performs any other wonders. Cheers
  3. Thanks a lot for the replies. Must admit I thought it was a duff connection from the beginning but was hoping someone had come across the problem just to confirm it. I'm not up to taking it apart, not bad with PCs - bigger bits and more space- but not confident of atempting this. Looks like a trip back to the retailer after all. Cheers and thanks.
  4. Hi All, this is my fiorst request for help so here goes. My wife has an 20 month old Samsung NC10 Netbook which she uses each weekend for emails etc. and the OS is XP Home. This weekend she pressed the Power Button and nothing happened, no blue light no indication of activity except for a quick flashing of the HDD activity light at the front. I tried it both on battery and on mains with the same result but then the HDD activity light did not always flash. As background, a similar thing happened about 2 months ago and, to cut a long story short, we returned it to the retailer who said that they would return it to the agent for investigation. However, about 10 minutes after we arrived home we had a call saying it was fixed by one of their computer savvy supervisors. Unfortunately, when we picked it up the next day the guy wasn't there but we were told that he had noticed a flicker of life and pressed a couple of keys and gone from there. Question: Does anyone have any idea what he did and can I copy it. Also what is the cause of a malfunction like this. I do security maintenance on our computers every weekend so it should be clean and free from virus etc. Hope someone can help, Cheers
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