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About ErikAlbert

  • Birthday 08/26/1948

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  • System: windows_xp

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  1. @Wellies, I'm glad you do understand me. Eight years ago I had a classical security-setup like everyone, but I was still in trouble regularly, so I had to do something entirely different and I had to solve 4 major problems : 1. Uninstall Programs Alot of people like to try new software, but not to keep them. Installing/Uninstalling softwares creates a big mess on parition-C after awhile, because no software is able to install itself completely, how ridiculous it may sound. This is caused by sloppy programming. So I had to find a solution that removed a tested software completely without a trace. 2. Cleaning softwares Cleaning softwares, do usual a pretty good job, but not good enough. So I had to find a solution to clean my partition-C thoroughly and for ALL softwares And no cleaning softwares anymore on my computer. 3. Registry softwares. Registry softwares remove innocent registries, too many registries, they aren't safe enough and they don't restore the original values of registries. So I had to find a solution to clean Windows Registry safer and restore its original value. And no registry softwares anymore on my computer. 4. AV/AS/AT/...-scanners Scanners don't remove every malware : malware not on the blacklist and undiscovered malware. So I had to find a solution to remove malware 100% And no scanners anymore on my computer. SOLUTION I solved all these problems by replacing my dirty partition-C with a clean partition-C during each reboot, just like people replace their dirty shirt with a clean shirt. It was that simple. I only had to find the right software to do this : FirstDefense-ISR From then on, my dirty partition-C was cleaned and repaired automatically during each reboot. My computer became a paradise during 5 years until now and all my big problems were solved in one hit and I had any change on my partition-C completely under control. End of Story :)
  2. @Seanvv, No backup of data on an external harddisk ? If not you are learning it the hard way
  3. I don't have any problems with malware anymore. My computer is malware-free during 5 years already. I don't use AV/AS/AT/...-scanners anymore and that was a big improvement. All scanners are based on blacklisting and that's why scanners never remove : - discovered malware, which is not the blacklist of the scanner. - undiscovered malware, which is not on any blacklist of any scanner. Blacklisting is not a sufficient method to detect and remove malware. I use whitelisting now, which is a much better method to remove malware, because this method doesn't require recognition of malware. Malware is removed because it's not on the whitelist. It doesn't matter if the malware is discovered or not. That's why I designed a golden reboot, which removes any malware in 2 minuts. MSE-scanner needs 73 minuts to do the same job. That's the difference between ME and M$ : 71 minuts. Me poor, M$ rich and I'm doing a much better job than M$, that's because I didn't lose my creativity like M$. That's also the reason why I never use security software of M$. I will use the same method for Windows 7, which has the same poor security.
  4. Very true, we have wasted 21 posts on this guy. Pffft. Isn't it true when WinXP isn't activated after 30 days, you get a black screen on your computer ? The same must happen with an illegal winXP, I think.
  5. Thanks for the info, I'm not interested in this thread anymore, waste of time.
  6. This is not normal man. In such situation, I would bring my computer to my computer-repair-shop and let them fix it or you wait here for a solution. I ran out of ideas and I'm certainly not a computer-expert to help you any further.
  7. Jesus man, you tried already so many things, hard to find something new. It would drive me crazy too. I guess, changing the boot sequence, didn't help either. Booting directly from HARDDISK, not CD or DISKETTE.
  8. Did you try BartPE CD, which is more Windows-like. ? Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable live windows CD/DVD
  9. OK. I always zero my hdd, before installing winXP or anything else, just to make sure nothing is left on my HDD.
  10. Monitor is Blank after Starting the Computer HP Pavilion 7965 Desktop PC (US/CAN) - HP Customer Care (United States - English)#
  11. @Randyl He claims, he has solved the problem with the extension "Zoomy" of Google Chrome (GC). So far so good, he says. GC seems to have a list of extensions. I don't know anything about GC. Nevertheless, I gave your solution as well, in case Zoomy fails. It's a matter of waiting.
  12. Thank you very much, I will tell him the same thing. :)
  13. It's not my problem, but someone else's problem : He installed Google Chrome (GC). Later on he installed a 22 inch monitor and everything was OK for awhile. One day the GC-Window is just in the middle of his monitor, no full screen anymore. He uninstalled GC and re-installed GC, but that didn't help. He doesn't have that problem with Internet Explorer. What is the problem ? TIA.
  14. Next time we teach you the "cut/paste", a mutant of the "copy/paste". ;)
  15. Welcome. Don't worry. Stupid questions don't exist, only answers can be stupid. :)
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