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  1. OK. This is what I did. 1) after getting a little frustrated, I decided to just reformat the sucker. So I did! Back to original default settings. Now, I left it to DHCP. Now it has a REAL DNS server, instead of the address of the router. Now I can visit ebay.com, yay! But now sometimes I click the "Home" button, to go back to google, and I know that website never goes down; and sometimes it wont load it. Or if I'm searching some sites, via google, and I open a website, my browser says it can't find it. I think "OK" and go to the next site, and same thing. I don't know what's the matter. I haven't installed ANYTHING but the codec pack, MSN messenger, firefox, logitech software (for my mouse) and iTunes. I also have Ultramon, to run dual monitors. I installed the software for 1 the printer/scanner. That's ALL! 2) I tried your method. Let's see how it works. Even though i'm not sure. Do you think it could be the router? Because it goes from Modem/Router to another router. A wireless-N one (to get the most out of our network, since we have so many computers here and we're always filesharing). Thanks again! And I hope you're not too fatigued by this ;). Kent
  2. Hi everyone. I have 5 machines on a network. The schematics look something like this: DSL Modem & Router \/ Wireless N Router --->(Via Cable) 1 PC \/ (Via Wireless) --> 3 Desktops, 1 Laptop. OK. My problem is that I have one of the desktop PC's Running Windows Vista Home Prem. can't load some websites, while those same websites can be viewed on the other PC's & Laptops. I've set some of them up via DHCP (Like the laptop since I take it everywhere I go and I need HOTSPOTS for it), and 1 desktop. The rest are already preconfigured to work on my network with specific IP addresses. For example, the laptop has the following information: IP address : Subnet : DNS : While the desktop (where i'm having the problem) has the following: IP address : Subnet : DNS : I've also changed it to DHCP, and still the same result. ebay.com wont load! While sometimes searching on google, I click a link and it wont load. While on the laptop, clicking the same link will load. We're all on the same network with basically the same configuration. I know it's not the NIC because I changed it for one that I know works well, and still the same result... I've changed between firefox and IE and same results. Any ideas? Thanks!
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