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About oldog

  • Birthday 09/02/1935

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for starting me on the quest. The answer was in fact very simple using "documents" >open a document "Books and Authers" and type in a list of the alphabet from a-Z >under each letter open a sub folder titled "Authers Name" >right click on a blank area of screen and select sort by name,if sorted Z-A click a second time and it will go to A-B. names are automaticaly sorted on entry. >under each 'Auther' open a sub folder titled books 'written" >right click to sort alpabetically. Works really well and is simple to set up and edit..
  2. Thanks sounds good, will go and have a play.
  3. I currently have a very dog eared notebook, containing a list of a large number of books borrowed from the library. With authors listed in alphabetical order,book titles and comments on the book. I would like to transfer this data to a small netbook or one of the new range of small hand held devices coming on the market. how can I have the following >alphabetical list>scroll down to a letter (say G)> bring up all authors under G>scroll down to required name> open list of his books>scroll down to required title > view comments. Have tried to use address book,the spread sheet approach is too slow. Have downloaded "book library' but is an overkill and complex. Is there a simple program available that will achieve this or is it already lurking somewhere in Win xp
  4. Hope you can shine some light into the dark shadows!
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