Hi, my first post on the forum.
I have a 3 year Dell Dimension 9200, 32-bit Operating System, Intel Core 2 CPU, 2 gig RAM which has reported an error with the 0 Raid.
I see this an 'error occurred' message in red when my computer boots up. I recently reinstalled windows as I was experiencing problems with my sound, all was good until my computer froze whilst installing some programs and software and rebooted it self to prevent damage.
When the computer rebooted it displayed this message but the computer is still running ok, so far. I have searched the Internet for fixes and although I have found some info it doesn't really provide me with a solution.
This happened when the the computer was under warranty but Dell spoke me through the fix which involved downloading something from their website but any assistance they give me they want charged now
I found some info which suggest problems with Apple and Itunes, Quicktime etc conflict with the Raid on Vista operating systems, I am unsure if this is correct but I was possibly installing one of these when this happened, just can't recall.
Hopefully someone can help with this problem and is my computer likely to stop running because of this error. I have backed up everything before the reinstall so really just need a fix now.