compaq N410c 1.2hz 256mb 20gb dvd 12" small laptop
Had my evo N410C laptop since Aug 2008. (opeerating sytem windows 2000......i know, but was fine for my uses? ;)) Has been working fine the last time it was used, a couple of weeks ago, but I always needed to charge it overnight before it would switch on.
I have a buyer for it, so decided to fire it up to get my files transferred.
Charged it up overnight as usual but when I went to switch it on there is nothing. It won’t switch on! It’s now been on charge all day as well as all night...still nothing.
I can hear the power making a ticking noise, so presume the power is going through, but before I take things further and replace anything, just wondered if anyone has any suggestions... do you think it may be the power pack or battery problem? I did buy a new battery for this machine in Aug 2008, and the machine has had very little use. Would appreciate any help/advice if possible?
Cheers Shelly